Component Manufacturing (Metal & Non-Metal)

We specialize in the processing of metal and non-metal materials with our modern and precise CNC technologies. We are based on customer satisfaction by offering the most suitable solutions for your industrial needs.

  • Cutting, drilling, milling and turning of iron and steel products, stainless steel, aluminum, brass and other metals
  • High precision machining of composite, teflon, fiber etc. materials
  • Design and manufacture customized parts and products according to customer requirements
  • We support innovation and product development, helping our customers with prototyping and testing
  • By performing quality control at every stage of the processing process, we ensure high quality and reliable products

Model & RTM Model Manufacturing (MDF, Composite & Polyurethane)

With our modern and precise CNC technologies; we are a pioneer in model production of materials such as MDF, composite and polyurethane. We are based on customer satisfaction by offering the most suitable solutions for your industrial needs.

  • High precision machining and model production of composite materials
  • Milling, cutting and shaping of polyurethane material
  • Designing and producing customized models according to customer demands
  • We support innovation and product development, assisting our customers in the production and testing of prototype models
  • By performing quality control at every stage of the processing process, we offer high quality and reliable models

Auxiliary Fixtures for CNC Cutting

Our company specializes in the production of specially designed auxiliary fixtures for CNC cutting operations. 3 and 5 axis simultaneous precision fixtures are manufactured with the highest quality and precision to meet your industrial needs.

  • Production of 3 and 5 axis simultaneous precision fixtures specially designed for CNC cutting processes
  • Design and production of customized fixtures according to customer demands
  • We support innovation and product development, assisting our customers in the production and testing of prototype fixtures
  • We offer high quality and reliable fixtures by quality control at every stage of our products

Prototype Manufacturing (FDM & SLA)

Our company specializes in prototype production with FDM (Filamentary) and SLA (Resin) 3D Printing technologies. By offering innovative solutions, we provide our customers with high quality prototypes in a short time.

  • Production of functional and durable plastic parts with FDM 3D printer technology
  • Production of parts requiring high detail and precision with SLA 3D technology
  • Design and production of customized prototypes according to customer requirements
  • Iterative development of prototypes to improve design and function
  • Rapid prototyping and delivery processes to meet urgent needs
  • Quality control at every stage of prototyping to ensure the best quality products for our customers

Polyurethane Casting

We offer our customers a wide range of polyurethane solutions. We prioritize customer satisfaction with our high quality and durable products.

  • Production of customized polyurethane parts according to customer requirements
  • Designing, manufacturing and revising molds suitable for polyurethane casting
  • Supporting innovation and product development, we assist our customers in the production and testing of prototype polyurethane parts
  • Applying various processes to ensure that parts have the desired surface texture and appearance